Sunday, May 16, 2010

Run 21--free at last! (1.8 miles)

I've been feeling...uninterested. Considering the fact that I've now been running for 3 months (as of the 15th) and am only on Week 5--I guess that isn't too surprising. I'll be out running and feeling great and The Voice on my iPhone tells me it's time to stop before I'm ready. It tells me to run and I do but then occasionally I can't finish the amount of time it wants. It tells me to run 20 minutes solid at the end of Week 5---are you kidding me??? All in all, The Voice and I are out of sync. MY Inner Voice said, "Duh. Time to let that all go and do what I say!"

Tonight I left the iPhone at home, brought my handweights (my Soft Star running shoes), Onya's frisbee, and Onya off leash. No music, no Voice other than my own. Lovely.

I ran the whole thing barefoot. I stopped when I was ready and ran when I was ready. Still doing walk/run. My pace was steady. My body felt great. My feet felt great. My mind felt great. I wasn't frustrated with Onya being off leash because I was paying attention rather than to The Voice. She was relaxed and easy going because of it. We were happy campers with each other. I left at 8:15 and it was still light.

I know I ran more than I ever have before. I did measure the run on Google Maps and came up with 1.8 miles. I did it in 35 minutes. Slow but happy for me. My final run was a 1/2 mile. A 1/2 MILE!!! It was AWESOME!!! I've never been able to do that before--yay for me! :-)

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